An employer may terminate an employee's contract without notice if the he/she is guilty of serious misconducts: such as theft/murder, acts/threats of violence, under influence of alcohol. This type of termination must comply with Section.103.3 of the EIRC2015.
Te tia kamwakuri/tia bwaibwai iai inaomatana ni katoka ana konturaeki te tia mwakuri ngkana e karaoi mwakuri aika ae kakaiaki n aron te kaikoaki, te manging ae riao, te kakiriwee, te kimoa , tautau ao a mwaiti riki. Te kakabane ae aekakina aio ena bon riai n ira nanon te tua ni kamwakuri mwakoro 103.3
In Part XII of the EIRC2015, An employer shall not discriminate, directly or indirectly, against any employee or prospective employee in respect of recruitment, training, promotion, terms and conditions of employment, termination of employment, or other matters.
Nte mwakoro 107, nte tua ao te tia kamwakuri ena aki bwainikiriniia ana taan mwakuri n aron naba teinanonano ke ni kakaokoro, aio naba e irekereke ma te kateirake nakon te mwakuri
a) The person makes an unwelcome sexual advance, or an unwelcome request for sexual favours, to the employee or prospective employee; or
b) the person engages in other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature.
Under EIRC2015 Part XV, the employer should set out steps and procedures for reporting and addressing complaints or employment dispute. Also specifying steps to be taken if employee complaints are not addressed. E.g EIRC provision on employment dispute.
Iaan te tua ni kamwakuri Bwaati XV, Te tia kamwakuri/tia bwaibwai ena riai ni katauraoa kawaia ana taan mwakuri bwa ana nakea ngkana arona bwa iai te aki raun n nano irouia n aron aio, Te ikawii imarenaia taan mwakuri, te aki nanoraoi n te babaire, mwaiti riki
In EIRC2015 Section 114 Prohibition of discrimination in respect of training, recruitment, promotions etc. An employer shall pay men and women employees in equal remuneration for work of equal value
N te tua ni kamwakuri mwakoro 114 ao bon akea te manna ae ena katukaki imwiin baa n te tabo ni mwakuri, e na akea te kakaokoroaki ao te itabeitera n irekereke ma te kataneiai, te kateirake, te kakerake ao a mwaiti riki. Te tia bwaibwai naba e na riai kabooa te mwane ao te aine n te mwaiti ae bon titebo ngkana arona bwa a kaai ni karaoa mwakuri aika titebo naba.
In Section 9 of the EIRC2015, it states that for the performance of his or her functions, a labour inspector has the power to enter permises where work is performed, or where labour inspector reasonable believes work is performed, provided that:
Nte mwakoro 9 nte EIRC2015, e taekinaki bwa ibukin karaoan ana mwakuri te tia tutuo ao e kariaiakaki bwa ena rin nte tabo ke te aba are e ataia bwa e karaoaki iai te kamwakuri ngkana: