In the EIRC2015 Part VII Section 75, Employers are bound to provide Contract of Employment and signed by both parties (employer & employee). Employees should be aware of the contents of their Contract before signing, and note that they also have the right for further classifications or queries to the CoE. Employers must give must give copy of contract to the employee.
Iaan te tua ni kamwakuri ae te EIRC2015 mwakoro 75 ao e kabaeaki te tia kamwakuri bwa ena riai n iai ana boraraoi ni kamwakuri ma ana tia mwakuri ae ena riai n tiainaki. Te tia mwakuri ena riai n oota raoi ni kanoan te boraraoi ni kamwakuri ao bon iai naba inaomatan te tia mwakuri n titiraki ngkana iai aki ootana ni kanoan te boraraoi ni kamwakuri. Te tia kamwakuri ena riai n karekea katoton te boraraoi ni kamwakuri nakon te tia mwakuri (tia n tiainaki).
In Part V of the EIRC2015, an employer should pay the employee no less than the Minimum Wage.
- Private sectors/Private construction $1.30 per hour
- Foreign funded project & construction. $3.00 per hour.
Employer must visibly display the minimum wage order in order for the employee to be paid accordingly.
N itera 5 n te tua ni kamwakuri ae EIRC2015 ao te tia kamwakuri e na kabooa te tia mwakuri n te mwaiti ae ena aki kee iaan te tia ni boo.
- Kamwakuri aika mwanenaki Kiribati $1.30 n te aoa.
- Kamwakuri aika a mwanenaki mai tinaniku $3.00 n te aoa.
Te tia kamwakuri/tia bwaibwai e na riai ni kaota/ ketekea te beeba ni kakoaua ibukin te tia ni boo bwa e bon aonga n ataia te tia mwakuri ae e bon kabooaki iai.
In Section 83 of the EIRC2015, an employer shall not request an employee to work more than 8 hours a day or 40 hours per week; unless extra hours are reasonable. The following should be taken into account when determining whether additional hours are reasonable: any risk to employees’ health and safety from working additional hours, personal and family responsibilities, etc.
Iaan te tua ni kamwakuri Mwakoro 83 ao ana aoa ni mwakuri te tia mwakuri bon tii 8 te aoa n te bongina ke 40 te aoa n 1 te wiiki. E kakawaki bwa e na aki raka te aoa ni mwakuri ma tii ngkana bon iai bukina ae kakawaki ibukin katiaan taabe ma e kakawaki naba bwa ae e na bon iangoia te tia mwakuri ngkana e na tiku riki ao ngkana e aki e bon nakoina.
In Section 84 of the EIRC2015, every full-time employee shall be entitled to a daily rest period of at least 12 consecutive hours; and a weekly rest period of at least 48 consecutive hours.
Iaan te tua ae te EIRC2015 Mwakoro 84 ao mwaitin ana aoa ni motirawa te tia mwakuri bon 12 te to aoa inanon te 1 te bong ke 48 te aoa inanon te 1 te wiiki.
In Section 85, Part IX of the EIRC 2015. After working for 6 consecutive hours in 1 day, an employee is entitled to have a break for one-hour meal, or either a one tea break of 20 minutes or two tea breaks of 10 minutes each.
Iaan te EIRC2015 Mwakoro 85 ao bon te 1 te aoa ni motirawa inanon te tia ni mwakuri ngkana e makuri te tia makuri inanon 6 te aoa ao akea te motirawa inanon tebongina, 20 ke 10 te miniti te motirawa ae uarereke.
Iaan te EIRC2015 mwakoro 86 ao e kakawaki bwa te tia kamwakuri/tia bwaibwai e na riai n karekea ana motirawa te aine ae e kamamma 1 te aoa mai buakon waniua ana aoa ni mwakuri ni karokoa e koro 12 ana namakaina te teei. Te motirawa ibukin te kamamma e na bon riai ni warekaki naba bwa te mwakuri, nanona e na bon tei naba boon te tia mwakuri.
In Section 79 of the EIRC2015, an employer may deduct from the employee's wage: KPF contributions, Taxes, and other deductions imposed by law as long as it does not exceed one third of the employee's wages for that pay period and with the employee's consent.
Iaan te EIRC2015 Mwakoro 79 ao e kantaningaaki te tia kamwakuri/tia bwaibwai bwa ena tii riai ni karaoa te taumwane nakon ana bwakabwai te tia mwkauri ti ibukin ana kaintabwi te tia mwakuri ao te taekiti ngkana ena riai n tauaki. Nikiran taumwane ana bane ni karaoaki tii man ana kariaia te tia mwakuri.
In EIRC 2015 Section 81, an employer shall create and keep an employment record or staff list to state the age, positions, KPF number and full name of staffs/employees. An employer will also need to provide an e-copy of the record to Ministry of Employment & Human Resource.
Iaan EIRC 2015 Mwakoro 81 ao e kantaningaki te tia kamwakuri/tia bwawai bwa ena riai ni kakatauraoi ke n tauii mwiia ana taan mwakuri n aron bwaninin araia, aia ririki, numbwan aia kaintabwii, aia mwakuri ao a mwaiti riki. Te tia kamwakuri/tia bwaibwai ena riai n angan te Aobiti katoton tauan rongorongoia taan mwakuri.
In the EIRC2015 Section 80, an employer shall provide the employee a written or electronic statement that states the rate, KPF contributions, taxes, gross amount and net pay after, deductions have been made.
Iaan te EIRC 2015 Mwakoro 80 ao te tia kamwakuri/tia bwaibwai e riai ni katauraoa te beeba ni bwakabwai ibukiia ana taan mwakuri ae e na oti iai tein boon te tia mwakuri n te aoa, ana kaintabwi ae e tauaki, ana taekiti ae tauaki, bootan ana bwakabwai ao a mwaiti riki.
Ni mwakoro 78 inanon te Tua ni Kamwakuri ao te tai ni bwakabwai bon tii 1 n te 1 te wiiki,1 n2 te wiiki ao 1 n 1 te namwakaina. E kantaningaaki te tia kamwakuri/tia bwaibwai bwa e na ira nanon te tua ibukin tain aia bwakabwai aia taan mwakuri.
a) Maternity Leave
Under EIRC 2015 Section 95, a pregnant employee is entitled to maternity leave of 12 consecutive weeks, 6 weeks before birth and 6 weeks after birth and the employer shall pay the employee no less than 25% of the remuneration the employee would have earned had she been at work.
Aia motirawa aine aika bikoukou
b) Annual Leave (Optional)
Under the EIRC2015 Section 91, an employee is entitled to a maximum 30 days of annual leave (0-30) and must be paid for that time like every other working period. Any public holiday falling within an employee's annual leave holiday shall not be counted as part of the employee's annual holiday.
Te Motirawa nte ririki
Iaan te tua ni kamwakuri ni mwakoro 91 ao te tia mwakuri e kantaningaki naba bwa e na iai ana motirawa n te ririki ae ene mena imarenan 0-30 te bong n te ririki. Man ana motirawa aio ao e bon kantaningaaki naba bwa e na bon tei boona iaan te kantaninga ae e na bon riai ni mwakuri n te tai anne.
c) Public Holiday (Compulsory)
In Section 92 of the EIRC 2015, An employee is entitled to be absent from duty on a day designated by law to be a public holiday and the employer shall pay the employee their normal wage for the number of hours he/she normally have works had it not been a public holiday.
Te Motirawa ae kinaki n te tua
Ni mwakoro 92 ianon te tua ni kamwakuri ao e tia mwakuri ena riai n aki mwakuri inanon taai ni motirawa aika a kinaki n te tua n aron 12 n tuurai, te kiritimati, te bakate ao a mwaiti riki. E na bon tei naba boona inanon taai aikanne iaan te kantaninga ae e na bon riai ni mwakuri naba n te tai anne.
d) Sick Leave (Optional)
Under Section 93 of the EIRC2015, After 6 months of employment, if the employee is incapable to work due to sickness or injury, the employee is entitled to paid sick leave of up to 20 working days per year, however the employee should provide written certificate signed by a medical practitioner to certify his absent.
Te Motirawa ibukin te aoraki
Iaan te tua ni kamwakuri ni mwakoro 93 ao te tia mwakuri e kona n aki mwakuri ao e tei boona ngkana e aoraki. Aio ena karaoaki ngkana ai 6 namwakaina manna ni mwakuri n te tabo ni mwakuri. Ibukina bwa te tia mwakuri e tei ngke e aoraki, e kainanoaki bwa e na katuaoa ana ribooti te taokita bwa kakoauaana bwa e bon aoraki.
e) Compassionate Leave (Compulsory)
In Section 94 of the EIRC2015, an employee who has completed at least 6 months of service with the same employer is entitled to a 3 days paid compassionate leave per year; for death, serious illness or injury of the employee's family member with documentary evidence.
Te motirawa n irekerekre ma te kabuanibwai ke te aoraki ae kakaiaki
Iaan te tua ni kamwakuri mwakoro 94 ao te motirawa aio bon tii 3 te bong n te ririki. E kona n anaia te tia mwakuri ngkana iai kaain ana utuu ae e kakaiaki aorakina ke e kabuanibwai. 3 te bong anne ena bon riai naba n tei iai boona.