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Kiribati Expresses Disappointment over the Pacific Islands Forum Secretary General Appointment Process.

The Government of Kiribati stands in solidarity with its Micronesian family and reaffirms its support for the Micronesian Presidents Summit’s (MPS) Mekreos Communique and the sub-region’s collective intention to withdraw their membership from the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF).

New Application Submission Info - Regarding New Version of Birth Certificates

Mauri all,

As of Monday, 1 of February 2021, the 'Ministry of Employment and Human Resources' expect all applicants to bring a copy of the new version birth certificate with their applications. For more information about the new template, please refer to the Ministry of Justice's website and/or Facebook page.


SWP Announcement

Nakoimi ake a oti arami i nano ikai.

PLS Announcement

Nakoia ake a oti arami ikai:

Te bubuti bwa kam nna nikira ami CV n te Employment Office n aoan te mwakuri. 

Aikai arami:

  1. Iotia Beiata
  2. Mootee Koaia
  3. Riamete Tauatea
  4. Rossar Betarim Rimon
  5. Tatarawa Ranimwemwe
  6. Tibwe Iaribwebwe

Kam rabwa

Kiribati extends its border closure until the end of February 2021

The Government of Kiribati has officially declared a further extension of its border closure in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The Government advises that this extension will remain effective until the end of February 2021 where it will be further reviewed.

PLS Announcement


Nakoia APTC Graduates n te Certificate III in Electrotechnology.

Kam butiaki bwa kam a roko n aobitin te Employment i Bairiki n aoan te mwakuri ao n te tai are kam noora iai te katanoata aei.

Aikai baika a kainanoaki bwa kam nna uoti:

  1. Birth Certificate / Passport / National ID
  2. Academic transcripts
  3. Qualification
  4. Work references